The transformational Way of the 5th Gene Key moves from Impatience to Timelessness, and it’s the Way of Patience.
Our dilemma is surrender to The shadow: “The moment enthusiasms becomes impatient, the water is muddied.”
What a huge job we have ahead of us, and our allie here is full of enthusiasm.
Impatience is a true achilles heel for me that truly has gotten me in trouble more than it has served me, nor did it give me any satisfying results or achievements. Chasing ‘quick fixes’ mostly overextended me and left me stressed and agitated. I used to work in advertising where it would all be rushing and making deadlines, and for what really. Alongside working in such an adrenaline inducing environment I’d practice all kinds of meditations and yoga either before or after work, which I did in the same fashion as I went about at work. Hilarious looking back.
I determinently followed society’s manual for success whilst my body put up more and more resistance leaving me with chronic migraines for years. In a way you can say that impatience gave me the gift of patience as my mind had to seriously learn to be humble, take a back seat and let my body and subtle body navigate my life instead, if my health were to be the priority for that matter. I gave up all my previous ways of finding calmness and peace that were mostly from the inside out. Instead I learned how to actively surrender and contemplate my inner landscape which of course didn’t happen overnight.
My impatient mind still keeps knocking my door inviting me to listen to certain patriarchal convictions, ideas and standards it thinks I should live up to. It’s hardwired like that. It can’t help it self. Nowadays however, I’am more and more aware what a marvelous script writer it is. It could easily run an eight season show on Netflix and get an emmy award. It’s mind blowing really.
When I find myself in this shadow frequency of impatience (yes, that can still happen) it just sucks me dry, makes me a bit erratic and narrow minded, selfish mostly. Yes, I get things done in the now, but mostly at the expense of peace, serenity, gratitude, grace and humility.
So maybe wisdom does come with the years (approaching 50 in '25 ), but what I can say whilst listening to this beautiful message within the gene key, that I realise how rewarding it is to make space, take a step back, listen, lean in, not act…. Yeah this doesn’t sound sexy nor exciting, but the gift of patience what I am learning over the years is limitless & timeless!
It truly holds everything. All answers, opportunities and possibilities come from practicing having patience. They lie within the slowing down, pausing, contemplating, letting the mud settle and gain clarity.
Much love,
"Sages thus seek what no one else seeks They don’t prize hard-to-get goods They study what no one else studies they turn to what others pass by� to help all things remain natural they dare not act. "
* my reflection of the 5th gene key woven together with snippets from Richard Rudd's book of the 64 Gene Keys!
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