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dyonne • 1 maart 2025


The Transformational Way of the 19th Gene Key moves from Codependency to Sacrifice, and it’s the Way of Sensitivity.

Over the years I found there are so many misconceptions of the words sensitivity thrown around, and so little awareness about the concept of codependency. So without using any jargon from my current practices of Human Design, Gene Keys, 12 step program of codependence (or any other), I did feel strongly to thoroughly reflect on this current transit (sorry only jargon which is of no importance) and do some storytelling on both important concepts.

Co-dependence is not just a psychological word referring to our relationships. It has subtle layers and levels to it. The human aura emits a wide array of emanations on different frequency bands.

There are many ways to reach other states and wavelengths, varying from taking substances to practicing a form of meditation or transcendence - but also when we become embroiled in an argument and experience emotional turmoil - we taste another dimension.

All versions are at the theatre of Gaia though.

So what does any of this teach us? Well, for one thing we’re here to learn to loosen our co-dependence with the energetic environment in which we live. Our co-dependence is with our thought forms, our belief structures, and our opinions.

Same as with our emotional patterns, our unconscious belief that we’re a victim, or that we can behave badly and get away with it.

We can never do so. The bad one always pays. The good one is always rewarded. Justice is built into the script, but we don’t always see the full story. The heretic is one who breaks patterns, who speaks out against the status quo.

The heretic is one who goes at it alone, who’s willing to shatter the fabric of his or her world in order to see more.

There’s a terrific self-awareness needed to escape the web of patterns woven around us by our karma and incarnation.

Some of the subtlest webs are the spiritual ones, carefully woven from the subtlest material, but a web is a web nonetheless.

We remain codependent!

The Gift of Sensitivity is not to be confused with oversensitivity, or hypersensitivity, or sentimentality. Sensitivity is strength. Oversensitivity is an affliction that’s imprinted by the Shadow frequency band. We can re-imprint any of these patterns, given enough time and a deep enough sense of self-love, patience, surrender and trust.

The gift of this gene key is a gift of healing. It knows how to heal itself because it knows what it needs, and it doesn't allow us to burn ourselves out. It knows the secret of balance – how to feed one’s own needs and balance them with the needs of others.

Sensitivity also grows. It grows as we grow! As we allow the heresy of a clear mind and heart to penetrate our lives, it will begin to loosen our attachments to the drama around us. We begin to move closer into life. We come closer to others.

We lean into situations instead of trying to shun them or hide from them.

Sensitivity makes us more human, more rounded, more wholesome. We learn to parent ourselves.

We learn to ask for support when we need it, and let go of resentments.

Our sensitivity is our coming alive. It’s our re- joining the human race, settling into the family of creatures and all beings.

Society stigmatised  the concept of sensitivity as a problem that’s more likely to harm us than be healing.

To say that someone is a sensitive person even means that they may be quite emotionally explosive, reactive or ‘thin-skinned’ which hasn’t got anything to do with the Gift of Sensitivity.

The true sensitive leans into us as a fellow human, waits for us to open.

And if we’re very lucky they may share with us some of the things they observe and feel.

The original name for this 19th hexagram in the I Ching is ‘Approach’. How beautifully simple, yet profound in its meaning, is this word: 

The sensitive has learned the art of approach. They know how to approach things in the right way.

They don’t rush headlong into a sacred place.

They may linger at the portal. They don’t rush to greet a stranger, but they’ll allow that person to approach them at the speed they’re comfortable.  They know when to listen and when to speak; timing is of the essence. Animals innately know that the whole secret is the approach. We don’t instigate touch – we wait for the animal to feel its own trust, and then allow it to touch us.

If we have this treasured gift, we need to first heal ourself and learn to approach our life in a new way.

One that’s gentle and meets our primary needs.

We need to make sure that we’re fed by life, and this is our responsibility, not someone else’s.

Co-dependence is when the relationship doesn’t feel balanced.

Our sensitivity knows instantly where the imbalance is, so we can address it openly, sensitively.

Sensitivity also learns fast. It learns through insensitivity.

We all do and say things that hurt others, sometimes intentionally, sometimes not.

Sensitivity is an art we must learn, and when we’ve learned it, we feel so strong, so connected to life.

But we also feel permeable and soft.

By practicing being open, honest, willing, observing, listening, and leaning in to the best of our ability - we are well on our way!

Much love,



Excerpt of the 19th Gene Key with personal added contemplation!

door dyonne 3 maart 2025
door dyonne 3 maart 2025
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