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dyonne • 1 maart 2025


The gift of honouring my body’s intelligence.

I’ve struggled with concepts such as ‘the grind’, ‘the hustle, ‘no pain no gain’, since forever.

Eastern practices such as Tai Chi intuitively made more sense to me from an early age on. I was raised to approach many things in life with the notion I had to make an effort to achieve something though. Typically the way the western logical mind works.

However it always left me frustrated and depleted. Yet, the Eastern way such as waiting for the right time to act, has proven itself so much more beneficial to me. The Oriental mind, more feminine by nature, more intuitive, not favoured in Western business, is about sustained strength. When I honour my body’s strength, my own rhythm, my supply of energy is almost unlimited.

When I stop the forcing and start listening, moving with awareness, movements come effortlessly, without strain or pain, tension can leave the body really. None of this is about learning anything new. Nor is it about improving.

There is only remembering that our bodies are fully capable already. If, and when, we let it. What a news. We just forgot we are gifted like that, and we can stop all the forcing. Re-learning to trust the body and its wisdom might seem daunting but what if it this simple? What if achievements can be reached, effortlessly?

What if inner strength lies in self-assurance? It comes from the center, it’s the inner knowing anchored deep in our bellies. However the mystery and truth about strength shows up in not just my workout like this morning, it really shows up in everything we do! This natural law gets unravelled at work, in our hobbies and in relationships.

I can always ask myself: "Am I present, open, trusting, or, am I shut-off, forceful and resisting what is? Everytime my breath holds, my body tenses-up, I have a chance to investigate what happened that made me move out of universal harmony and embrace that truth, restore myself to listening and observing again – and remember myself to ‘stop the forcefulness’ and ‘trust the easiness’ again.

Ouch, how profoundly simple is the complexity called being human.

Much love,


door dyonne 3 maart 2025
door dyonne 3 maart 2025
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